Tuesday, 2 January 2018


Around this time of year, I start feeling a little stir crazy.  How do you cope with the lack of light, dank weather and decaying Christmas trees?

I don't know about you, but I like a hefty, hard hitting, Herculean hit of hypnotic!  Power to the PUNK!  Salutations to the SAVAGE!  Encore to the ENFANT TERRIBLE!

Be selfish with your fashion, pleasing only yourself.

Don't be a grey worker drone.  Don't blend in.  Be your individual.  You exist NOW!  Get bright not because it is summer and you feel carefree, but because it is mid winter and it will cheer everybody up.  Fashion is a tool to empower you, get you noticed, not just a decorative manifestation.

Power to the colourful people

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